
757 Dental Solutions Associated with Yara Ramos D.D.S. Cosmetic Dentistry at its Best

Since our beginning in 1997 we have compromised with the community of Reynosa and nearby cities in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas in the careful attention and professional dental services on our patients, who receive an efficient and warm treatment, with the highest quality in diagnoses and procedures, specially in Cosmetic Dentistry. Since 2007 we are  advocated to the development of new cosmetic dentistry procedures.
All these years have permitted us to gather, experience, medical equipment and support of highly qualified personnel to attend our patients.
Our new location infront of Hospital Santander offers each patient comfort and security with access to parking lot. We are located in one of the most secure areas of Reynosa, If you are coming from McAllen Texas you would have a 15 minute drive to the International Bridge of Reynosa- Hidalgo, which is located only 8 blocks away from our dental clinic.


get to our Clinic is real easy, if you are coming from Mc Allen, Texas it would take you a 15 minutes drive. 757 Dental Solutions Clinic is only 8 blocks away from the International Border Bridge of Hidalgo,Texas -Reynosa, Mexico. Located in one of the safest areas in the city of Reynosa, right by the Hospital Santander.
It is very simple, just follow the instructions on the map.


Ortiz Rubio 757 Local # 7
Colonia Del Prado.
Reynosa, Tamaulipas.
(899) 922-8003

Toll free U.S.A. 1-866-518-2324

e-mail: 757dentalsolutions@telmexmail.com

How to achieve a Perfect Smile with Porcelain Veneers from 757 DENTAL SOLUTIONS®

The perfect smile is an amazing asset. It can give you a sense of confidence. It is usually the first thing people notice about you. It speaks volumes about who you are. But what if you weren´t born with the perfect smile? Are there ways to improve your smile? Fortunately, there are a number of ways to obtain the smile of your dreams. Porcelain veneers are the current method of choice for many smile enhancements.
What exactly are porcelain veneers? Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain that are custom made to cover your teeth and create the illusion of a perfect smile. Veneers can be used to changed the color of teeth, close gaps, make a smile wider and bigger. They can make crooked teeth appear straight or make short teeth longer.
The process of enhancing your smile through the use of porcelain veneers involves several steps. The first part of the process is a visit to your dentist to determine the exact number of veneers you will need to obtain your desired result. For most people a smile reveals more than six teeth. What this means is that most smile enhancements require eight to ten upper teeth to be veneered. Another point to consider is what your lower teeth look like. Do they also need to have veneers so that they match the uppers or can they simply be whitened?

Once you and your dentist have decided how many teeth need to be included in your enhancement, your dentist may suggest making a wax model of the teeth. This is an important step, because it acts as a blueprint for the teeth to be veneered. The wax model will also be very close in shape to what the permanent veneers are going to look like. This is a chance to decide on the shape of your venners.
The next phase involves recontouring the teeth to make room for the veneers to be placed. This needs to be done so that your veneers won´t appear too large or bulky.
This is also the part of treatment that makes this process irreversible. Once your teeth have been made ready for veneers, a model of your teeth will be made for the laboratory to manufacture the veneers.
Temporary veneers will be placed on your teeth. The phase of wearing temps is a great chance for you to start getting used to your new look, while your final veneers are being made.
The next appointment will involve placing the new veneers on your teeth. This usually takes place several weeks after the first visit. At this visit your dentist will remove your temps and place the new veneers. Once you have approved them, your dentist will adhere them to your teeth permanently. This is finally the moment you have been waiting for, the chance to see your new smile.
Porcelain veneers offer each of us the chance to have a beautiful smile. Your choices are endless. Hollywood white or simply lighter and brighter in color. One tooth or a whole mouth full. Your dream smile is only a dental visit away.

We offer you the most advanced technology applied to the most important part of your personality, Your face and your Smile.


Are you missing a single tooth, multiple teeth, or all of your teeth? Imagine a solution that feels, looks and fuctions like natural teeth! Thanks to dental implants from 757 DENTAL SOLUTIONS ® and the skill of Dr. Yara Ramos you can enjoy life again without worrying about loose or ill-fitting dentures or bridges.

Dental implants are permanent solution for missing teeth. Considered the ¨Gold-standard¨ for permanent tooth replacement, dental implants replace tooth roots. They provide strength, stability and fuction while creating the foundation for a natural- looking and feeling tooth crown. Both strong and fuctional, dental implants have been proven 97% successfuln over 40 years of well documented research. Because of their longevity they are extremely cost effective, plus they typically require no more care than your natural teeth- daily brushing, flossing and regular dental cleanings.
Missing teeth can effect your appearance and self confidence, as well as your ability to chew and speak. For many dental implants are the perfect solution. Since implants usually help maintain bone levels in the jaw, they may prevent premature aging of the face.


1- Convenience
2- Cost effective
3- Improved comfort & speech
4- Predictable, safe, long-lasting
5- Boost in self-esteem, self-confidence
6- Dental implants feel, look & function like natural teeth
7- Eat your favorite foods, smile, laugh & talk with confidence
8- Personalized care with genuine concern and compassion



¿En que casos están indicadas las Carillas Cerámicas?

En aquellos Dientes gastados, fracturados, irregulares, restauraciones viejas y todos aquellos casos donde se requiera mejorar o rejuvenecer la apariencia de la sonrisa.

Paso 1: Por medio de un sistema computarizado se diseña la forma, color y la sonrisa más adecuada a tu rostro, que tu podrás ver antes de iniciar cualquier procedimiento pudiendo opinar en tu nueva sonrisa virtual.

Paso 2: Se acondicionan los dientes que recibirán las Carillas Cerámicas  con un espaciamiento no mayor de un tercio de milímetro o máximo de medio milímetro que permitirá mantener la estructura sana de tus dientes.

Paso 3: Se elaboran las Carillas Cerámicas a base de un material resistente de Silice a alta presión a una temperatura de mas de 1000 C que les dan la dureza, brillo, durabilidad y belleza que las hacen tu opción ideal.

Paso 4: Se colocan en tus dientes acondicionados previamente y son adheridas con un material compuesto que endurece mediante una luz especial, dándoles una durabilidad mayor a los 10 años manteniendo su hermosura y la salud de tus dientes.

Paso 5: Las Carillas Céramicas están elaboradas con la tecnología mas moderna, lo que les permite ofrecerte una sonrisa bella por muchísimos años manteniendo la salud de tu boca.

Ponemos a tu alcance el sistema más avanzado y moderno de Carillas Cerámicas con este sistema permitirá darle a tu sonrisa el impacto y belleza que tu siempre has deseado manteniendo la estructura saludable de tus propios dientes.
Es fácil, cómodo, rápido, seguro... y a tu alcance¡¡¡


* Implantes dentales
* Coronas cosmeticas
* Puentes cosmeticos
* Mini Implantes ( Una sola cirugia)
* Laminados Cerámicos
* Incrustaciones dentales
* Tratamientos de encias (Gingivitis)
* Implantes oseointegrados


Nuestra clinica se encuentra comodamente ubicada en la colonia Del Prado en la ciudad de Reynosa, Tamaulipas.Estamos en contra esquina del Hospital Santander de esta ciudad y a tan solo ocho cuadras del puente Internacional Reynosa - Hidalgo, Texas.


Ortiz Rubio y Francisco I. Madero 757 Local #7
Colonia Del Prado. Reynosa
Telefono: (899) 922-8003

Para llamar gratuitamente desde Estados unidos: 1-866-518-2324


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